Sipalay City: What to Expect and How to get there

Brief H story Phot by: Sipalay – Hundreds of years ago “ tumandoks ” or the natives were the first settlers of the place. They were a Malay and Bornean roots. Sipalay is bounded by Hinobaan in the south, Cauayan in the north, and Candoni in the East. To its west is the Sulu Sea. The unspoiled beauty of Sipalay is a living testimony of its rich marine and natural resources. Several shipwrecks can be found in its pristine beaches including the S/S Panay during World War II. Forty two dive sites were Sipalaynons jewel and treasures. Early inhabitants settled in the river banks. The Canman-og River (Sipalay River) in where the tumandoks built their houses in rows along the roads is the source of living at that time. Plaza and Church were also constructed. Although there was already a church in the community it could not become a town. During Spanish rule in order to become a town there must be a resident priest. The place doesn’t have a resident p...