PLACES | Victorias City the City of Victory

Courtesy: Early History The city is already a settlement even before the Spaniards came. Aborigenes of the place were Negritos. When Spaniards came they named it as Malihaw due to vast and abuntantly growing Malihaw trees in the riverbanks. Barrio Malihaw is a fishing village that later became a pueblo or town, it was ruled by Capitan Gregorio Conlu. He was married to Faustina Gosiaco ( Capitana Tutang). One day, the household of Capitan Conlu was robbed by the Moros and Tulisanes. He and his secretary, Alfonso Pachera were able to escape and his beloved wife together with their servant Micay were left and brought aboard the sailboat by Moros. The boat immediately sailed across the sea. Capitana Tutang was asked by the Moro if they could swim, they answered they could not. They thrown overboard Capitana tutang and Mikay to the sea without knowing they are good swimmers. Moros expected they will be drowned and departed. Both of them were strugling in the water and...