The 14th Minulu-an Festival of Talisay City

Photo by: Arnel Dats of Dats Snapshot It is my second time watching minulu-an festival. Last year it was raining before the competition start. This year it was a sunny afternoon and a good weather greeted every contestants. Though i was late and haven't seen the first performer. I focus on the next until the last. But unlucky i was unable to witness the announcement of winners, it happened that my sister is tired and want to refresh. So we gone home. Out of 27 Barangays only 8 tribes participate in this year competition. Every contestant give their best to empress the board of judges.The term Minulu-an was the old name of the city. The story evolve in a very brave man who was Kapitan Sabi. He was so brave that he drove away the moro bandits to keep the city safe. The festival was celebrated every 10th...